This is What a Toxic Relationship Feels Like: 4 Signs
The signs may vary depending on the situation. But one major red flag is if your partner is controlling or makes you feel bad about yourself. …
Romantic relationships
The signs may vary depending on the situation. But one major red flag is if your partner is controlling or makes you feel bad about yourself. …
Having conflict doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed. Solving issues together and finding common ground is key. …
You are the only person who knows if breaking up is the right decision. Here are some prompts to help guide you in your decision.…
Knowing your own triggers and setting boundaries is key to preventing and dealing with conflict. …
Like any relationship, long-distance requires a combination of clear expectations and intention, and fun. …
Here are some common questions I hear in my work as a therapist, with my answers sharing how I’ve come to make sense of these challenges.…
If you’re in a long-distance relationship, it’s normal to feel like you’re running out of things to talk about sometimes. Yet the time you spend together, even if it’s online or over the phone, can help replenish your positive feelings about the other person, which can help you maintain your relationship while you’re apart. Couples…